Mastriano calls for increased funding for school security and mental health resources
May 25, 2022

Mastriano calls for increased funding for school security and mental health resources

Senator Doug Mastriano (PA-33) is calling for a funding stream in this year’s budget to go towards fortifying school security and additional mental health resources in schools.  [Read More]

Mastriano Introduces Legislation to Protect Farmland from overdevelopment and foreign takeover
May 13, 2022

Mastriano Introduces Legislation to Protect Farmland from overdevelopment and foreign takeover

Senator Doug Mastriano (PA-33) officially introduced legislation to expand Pennsylvania’s successful Agriculture Conservation Easement Purchase Program.  [Read More]

Senators Mastriano and Hutchinson Introduce the “PA Energy Independence Act”
May 5, 2022

Senators Mastriano and Hutchinson Introduce the “PA Energy Independence Act”

Senator Doug Mastriano (PA-33) and Senator Scott Hutchinson (PA-21) have officially introduced legislation to stabilize energy costs for Pennsylvanians, protect against market volatility in the long term, and utilize Pennsylvania’s unique natural resources to finally cement the commonwealth as a premier energy powerhouse.  [Read More]

Op-ED: “Trust the Science” and Protect Women’s Sports
April 22, 2022

Op-ED: “Trust the Science” and Protect Women’s Sports

Over the past few decades, it has been amazing to observe the growth of female participation in sports.  [Read More]

Mastriano: Seven farms in the 33rd District receive preservation funds to protect from development
April 21, 2022

Mastriano: Seven farms in the 33rd District receive preservation funds to protect from development

Senator Doug Mastriano is pleased to announce that seven farms in the 33rd District have received a significant investment as part of Pennsylvania’s Agricultural Conservation Easement Program.  [Read More]

Mastriano Votes to Ban “Zuck Bucks” and Ballot Drop Boxes
April 13, 2022

Mastriano Votes to Ban “Zuck Bucks” and Ballot Drop Boxes

In a significant victory for election integrity, two bills co-sponsored by Senator Doug Mastriano passed the full Senate today.  [Read More]

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April 8, 2022

Mastriano and Robinson Announced Legislation for Establishment of the “Law Enforcement Recovery Grant Program”

A joint press event was held on Tuesday to announce police funding legislation, Senate Bill 1193, that will allocate $100 million in American Rescue Plan funds to create the “Law Enforcement Recovery Grant Program.”  [Read More]

Mastriano Introduces Remittance Fee on Illegal Immigrants to Provide Property Tax Relief for Legal Citizens
April 8, 2022

Mastriano Introduces Remittance Fee on Illegal Immigrants to Provide Property Tax Relief for Legal Citizens

As President Biden continues to neglect the porous southwest border and Governor Wolf continues to look the other way as illegal immigrants are transited into towns across Pennsylvania, Senator Doug Mastriano is taking action at the state level.  [Read More]

Mastriano Amendment to Remove Dead Voters from Voter Rolls Passes Senate Committee
April 6, 2022

Mastriano Amendment to Remove Dead Voters from Voter Rolls Passes Senate Committee

Sen. Doug Mastriano (PA-33) successfully offered an amendment to ensure timely removal of deceased registered voters from the SURE system.  [Read More]

Mastriano and Robinson Propose Legislation to Fund the Police
March 24, 2022

Mastriano and Robinson Propose Legislation to Fund the Police

Senator Doug Mastriano (PA-33) and Senator Devlin Robinson (PA-37) announced today a plan to introduce legislation that will use $100 million in federal funds to establish the “Law Enforcement Recovery Grant.”  [Read More]

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