Mastriano: Blue Lights Law Heads to Governor’s Desk
October 26, 2022

Mastriano: Blue Lights Law Heads to Governor’s Desk

Legislation legalizing rear-facing blue lights for tow-truck operators will soon head to the governor’s desk, Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33) said today.  [Read More]

What’s the Rush? Tell CDC the COVID-19 Vaccine Doesn’t Belong on Childhood Immunization Schedule
October 19, 2022

What’s the Rush? Tell CDC the COVID-19 Vaccine Doesn’t Belong on Childhood Immunization Schedule

Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33) urged residents to tell the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that COVID-19 vaccinations shouldn’t be included in the routine immunization schedule for children.  [Read More]

***Media Advisory*** Parental Bill of Rights Hearing on Tuesday, Oct. 18
October 13, 2022

***Media Advisory*** Parental Bill of Rights Hearing on Tuesday, Oct. 18

The Senate State Government Committee will convene at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 18 to discuss legislation that will establish a Parental Bill of Rights in Pennsylvania, said Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33). Watch Live  [Read More]

The Human Cost of the Governor’s Carbon Tax
October 4, 2022

The Human Cost of the Governor’s Carbon Tax

By now, just about everyone feels the squeeze of rising utility bills. It’s an inescapable reality, bolstered by ineffective domestic and foreign energy policies, a deepening economic crisis and mounting distrust in our government here at home.  [Read More]

Op-Ed: Cash for Seniors? Pennsylvania’s Adult Guardianships Lack Oversight
September 29, 2022

Op-Ed: Cash for Seniors? Pennsylvania’s Adult Guardianships Lack Oversight

Lately, I’ve heard from distressed constituents who say that, ever year, Pennsylvania courts deem an untold number of senior citizens incompetent, imprison them in far-flung institutions and cut off their communication with the outside world, all for the sake of seizing billions of dollars from the estates they now control.  [Read More]

Pennsylvania’s Utility Disconnections Spike Amid Energy Affordability Crisis
September 28, 2022

Pennsylvania’s Utility Disconnections Spike Amid Energy Affordability Crisis

Pennsylvania earned a dubious distinction recently that underscores the economic pain wreaking havoc statewide for millions of residents struggling to make ends meet.  [Read More]

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September 21, 2022

SB139 – The Observance of 9/11, and Curriculum in Schools

It’s shocking to me that this defining moment in world history goes unnoticed each year in public schools and receives zero mention in the state academic standards for history, civics and government.  [Read More]

Mastriano: Automatic Pay Raises for Lawmakers, Judges and Executive Officials Must End
August 31, 2022

Mastriano: Automatic Pay Raises for Lawmakers, Judges and Executive Officials Must End

Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33) said today automatic pay raises for lawmakers, executive branch officials and judges must end amid the soaring inflation and economic hardships 13 million Pennsylvanians experience every day.  [Read More]

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August 31, 2022

Mastriano: Wolf Administration’s Tyranny Stomps on Students’ Rights in Bucks County

Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33) released the following statement after national and local reporting uncovered partisan meddling in Bucks County had overruled the recommendations of its local health director to make masks optional in public schools in the 2021-22 academic year:  [Read More]

Families Want Education, Not Indoctrination, for Pennsylvania’s Kids
August 29, 2022

Families Want Education, Not Indoctrination, for Pennsylvania’s Kids

Educational choice in Pennsylvania was, at one time, a narrow debate over state funding of charter schools versus their traditional district counterparts.  [Read More]

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