Op-Ed: Double Standards & Hypocrisy – Governor’s Edicts Defy Common Sense

Recently I saw a meme depicting an agent of the state applying a battering ram to the front door of a home while shouting, “I know you bought a turkey that feeds more than 10 to 12!”. The outrageousness of the meme garnered a sarcastic chuckle from me but was nonetheless sobering.

To be clear, I am not anticipating anyone’s door to be broken down with a battering ram for the crime of purchasing a large turkey. However, in March, I was not expecting Governor Wolf to declare a state-wide business shutdown, save those with political connections and his family business. I also was not expecting all nursing homes to be on red-alert style lockdowns while the Health Secretary, Dr. Levine, removed a parent from such a facility and placed her in a posh hotel.

Speaking of hypocrisy, has anyone heard if you will catch the Coronavirus by having a drink without your turkey on Thanksgiving? If you mix a little bourbon in your eggnog after 11pm, will you catch the Coronavirus? If my nieces and nephews sit at my kitchen island bar stools, will they be in danger?

Or does this “science” only apply to our sinking small-business restaurants and bars?

It was quite a shock when the Governor placed restrictions on gatherings and then appeared marching in a densely-packed street during a political demonstration. If you recall, the Governor forbade us from singing in church but when thousands descended into Kutztown for the Pennsylvania Cannabis Festival, mum was the word.

Like me, you likely stood in long lines at big box stores to purchase everyday essentials like toilet paper and Clorox when our preferred small business couldn’t obtain a waiver. This hypocrisy is beyond the pale.

I certainly had some political differences with the Governor before the Coronavirus, but no one could have predicted the level of double standards promulgated by Tom Wolf. Recently, the Governor repeatedly chastised President Donald Trump for hosting rallies in the Keystone State. Yet we haven’t heard a peep of exhortation regarding the masses celebrating the early election results of vice-president Joe Biden.

Not one word.

Unfortunately, people could get sick in Philadelphia. Do the Governor or Health Secretary care?

On November 16, the Governor tweeted, “Gatherings in our homes with people we care about feel comfortable, safe, and normal. But they’re helping drive unprecedented COVID spread. It only takes one COVID-positive person to make everyone sick. I urge PA’ians to take precautions to stay safe.” 

According to the Governor, we cannot continue one of the longest American traditions – Thanksgiving. Republicans cannot gather in support of a candidate, yet the Governor’s political party can celebrate in masses without a word of admonition. In fairness, perhaps the Governor is unaware of the rally on the Capitol steps.

After all, he hasn’t been in his office since March. At least I’ve not seen him in my 43 visits to his office.

Considering the antics from the Wolf administration throughout the last few months, have you heard members of the media asking probing questions or holding them accountable to their own words? I’ve heard a lot of noise and seen a lot of water carrying by the media and only two, perhaps three, reporters asking real questions to members of the Wolf administration. Perhaps members of the media are all actors in what one Pennsylvania lawmaker gleefully admitted is “political theatre”. Are you enjoying the show?

Even more painful for me than living under hypocritical edicts, is thinking about the thousands of families that lost loved ones in nursing homes. Those families could not be at their loved one’s bedside, say goodbye or have a proper funeral. Families will be looking at an empty spot around the dinner table this Thanksgiving due to Secretary Levine forcing nursing homes to accept COVID-19 positive patients while simultaneously removing their mother from a facility. This thought breaks my heart but strengthens my resolve to fight this outlandish duplicity.

Governor Wolf may have stolen months from your life or more, but I ask that we not allow him to steal this holiday. Despite the last few months, there is much to be thankful for.

I’m thankful for close family and friends now more than ever. I am thankful for the citizens across Pennsylvania this year who have stood for their freedoms. We have become friends with literally thousands of you in our shared love of liberty. And I am thankful we have a national and state Constitution that guarantees our God-given rights, even if our Governor ignores them.

Freedom is a choice – it’s time that we all walk as free people.

The biggest thing that I am thankful for is God’s love and grace for each of us.

Senator Doug Mastriano represents the 33rd Senate District, which includes all of Adams County, and portions of Franklin, Cumberland and York counties.

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