Senate Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 | 9 a.m.
Room 8E-B, East Wing
I. Call to Order
II. Consideration of Legislation
*SB 90 (Mastriano/Brooks) (Title 35/Health & Safety: Permits firefighters to be tested after each
module rather than a cumulative test when pursuing Firefighter I training/certification)
*SB 91 (Mastriano) (Police Officer, Firefighter, Correction Employee & National Guard Member Child
Beneficiary Education Act: Covers PA residents that serve out-of-state)
*SB 138 (Mastriano) (Title 35/Health & Safety: Permits Local Tax Credits to cover Volunteer HazMat
*SB 457 (Muth) (Title 35/Health & Safety: Increases Fire & EMS Loan Thresholds)
*SB 466 (Brooks) (Title 35/Health & Safety: Credits individuals who have been trained in fire
suppression through their employment when pursuing Firefighter I training and certification)
Amendment #### (Brooks) would amend the Fire & EMS Grant program by (1) providing a 15-
day grace period for Fire & EMS companies when applying for a Grant and (2) ensuring that
certain companies will receive the funds that the Office of State Fire Commissioner already
authorized for them for this current award cycle.
III. Adjournment