Mastriano Announces $704,000 in Grants to Fix a Local Road and Bridge

HARRISBURG – Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33) today announced that state grants totaling more than $704,000 for road and bridge improvements have been awarded to the 33rd District through the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA).

Metal Township will receive $350,000 to rehabilitate Creek Road, which has been in a state of disrepair for years.

The township’s efforts to repair the road using chips and seal have been thwarted by poor stormwater drainage and flooding along the route, resulting in chips being washed off the road. The washouts create loose patches of gravel, which are unsafe for motorists and cyclists who may not expect reduced grip.

Creek Road is home to the township’s municipal maintenance building. If Creek Road is not rehabilitated, the washouts on the road could lead to disruption of municipal services such as mowing, salting, plowing and bridge and road maintenance.

“Metal Township is a very small community with limited resources. Given the township’s grim financial situation, it would take more than a decade to complete this project,” Mastriano said. “In that time, the likely interruption of municipal services could be an issue for township residents, so I am happy to see taxpayer dollars are being used wisely in funding this project.”

The grant would be used to address the segment of the roadway that is in the worst condition: the roughly two-mile span from Pigeon Hill Road to Springtown Road. It will undergo a full roadway reclamation with a two-inch leveling course and a two-inch overlay. It will also be paved with Portland Cement, which is preferred due to the strength and durability of the material. The problematic culverts along this section will also be replaced.

Other funding has been secured to address the span from Fannettsburg Road to Springtown Road. It will receive a one-inch leveling course and a two-inch overlay of asphalt.

Washington Township will receive $354,232 to replace Amsterdam Road Bridge. The bridge has been closed since 2018 due to severe structural failures. It is critical for local transportation, enabling residents to safely access commercial areas and reducing congestion on Route 16.

The detour in place adds significant travel time and safety risks, particularly at a dangerous turn near Hooverville Elementary School. It also increases emergency response times and damage to local roads from heavy vehicles.

The grants were awarded by the CFA through its Multimodal Transportation Fund, which supports projects that ensure a safe and reliable system of transportation for Pennsylvania residents.


CONTACT: Don Beishl, 717-787-6701

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