The American Legion Department of Pennsylvania 105th Annual Convention


First General Session – 9:00 AM
Call to Order – Department Commander William Whitmoyer
Salute to the Colors – Department Sergeant-at-Arms Anne Pospisil
Invocation Department – Chaplain Rev. Richard Denison
National Anthem – Mrs. Christine Cooksey
POW/MIA Ceremony – Department Commander William Whitmoyer
Pledge of Allegiance – Department Sergeant-at-Arms Anne Pospisil
Preamble to the Constitution of The American Legion
Welcome – Department Commander William Whitmoyer
Greetings – Eastern Vice Commander Harry Hause
Greetings – Western Vice Commander Douglas Church
Greetings – Central Vice Commander William Whitmoyer
Greetings – Alt. National Executive Committeeman Mike Murphy
Greetings – National Executive Committeeman E. Michael Stelacio
Adoption of the Rules of the 105th Annual Department Convention – Department Commander William Whitmoyer
Adoption of Reports from Officers and Committees of the Dept. of Pennsylvania as Printed in the Report of Officers Book – Department Commander William Whitmoyer
Guest Speaker – Dyke Shannon, Legionnaires Insurance Trust
Award Presentation – Essay Essay Committee Chairman James Fulton, Sr.
Committee Award Winner – Sarah Hamilton, 2024 Essay Winner
Guest Speaker Barbara Loncar, PA VFW State Commander
Awards Presentation – Keystone Boys State Keystone Boys State Committee Chairman Patrick Love
Award Winner – Juuso Young, 2024 KBS Governor
Guest Speaker – Doug Mastriano, Senator (PA-33)
Awards Presentation – VA & R Employer Awards VA&R Committee Chairman William Smith
Guest Speaker – Scott Perry, U.S. Congressman (PA-10)
Guest Speaker – Pam Iovino, Board Member, Friends of the Fisher House Pittsburgh
Awards Presentation – Children & Youth Children & Youth Committee Chairman Michael Davies
Committee Award Winner – Chief Master Sergeant Michael G. Gasparetto, Educator of the Year
Guest Speaker Dane Watro, PA Representative (PA-116)
Awards Presentation – Marketing, Media, Fundraising & Comm Marketing, Media, Fund. & Comm Chairman Bernard Halvorsen
Remarks – Public Relations Rep. Shannon Kyle
Guest Speaker – Robert DeSousa, Board Chair Elect, Army Heritage Center Foundation
Awards Presentation – Blood Donor Blood Donor Committee Chairman Herbert Campbell
Guest Speaker – David McCormick, Candidate for U.S. Senate
Guest Speaker – John Schwartz, Founder/President, Center for Combating Elder Financial Abuse
Guest Speaker – Dr. J. Gregory Jolissaint, Veterans Mental Health Advocate, J. Jolissaint Consulting
Awards Presentation – New Post/Post Home New Post/Post Home Committee Chairman Denise Harner
Guest Speaker – Bruce Roberson, Chief Sales Officer, Be The One Coffee
Awards Presentation – Americanism Americanism Committee Chair Ryan Williams
Remarks – Phil Campbell, State Director PA American Legion Riders
Guest Speaker – Teresa Dennis, State Director, U.S. Senator Casey
Report – Finance Committee Chairman William Cleveland
Report of Delegate Strength – Department Adjutant J. Woody Hogan
Report of Convention Internal Organization Committee
Report of Convention Legislative Committee
Announcements – Department Adjutant J. Woody Hogan
Benediction – Department Chaplain Rev. Richard Denison
Retirement of Colors – Department Sergeant-at-Arms Anne Pospisil


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