HARRISBURG – Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33) today announced the Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority (PBDA) is awarding more than $13.6 million in grants to expand access to reliable, high-speed internet in Adams and Franklin counties.
“I`m pleased that these underserved areas of Adams County and Franklin County will now have the infrastructure needed to ensure faster internet connection,” Mastriano said. “In today’s competitive economic environment, access to high-speed internet is crucial for our business owners and farmers. I look forward to the continued expansion of high-speed internet throughout the 33rd Senate District.”
The grant money originated through the federally funded Broadband Infrastructure Program. PBDA awarded $200 million in competitive grants for projects in communities lacking 25/3 Mbps internet service.
PBDA ensures transparency and efficiency by mandating quarterly and annual progress reports from grantees. It provides comprehensive guidance on state and federal requirements and technical support. All funds must be used by Dec. 31, 2026. Grantees will be held accountable for the prudent expenditure of awarded funds. The PBDA can claw back any unused or misused funds.
This inaugural round of grants represents a significant milestone in the PBDA’s broader initiative to close the digital divide since the General Assembly established the PBDA in 2021.
Constituents of the 33rd District can learn more about Mastriano by visiting his website at SenatorMastriano.com or following him on Facebook at Facebook.com/SenatorDougMastriano.
Media contact: Josh Herman